The 5 Powers of Goddess Shakti
There are many aspects, forms and names of shakti who are the mother of all. In creation she distinguishes herself, or through the will of Siva, in three basic aspects: paracentental energy apara-shakti (immanent energy) and para-apara-shakti (an intermediary energy). In the texts of Shaivism we also find a reference to five supernatural powers of shakti, awakened in itself by Shiva. Their permutation, combination, concealment and manifestation is believed to be responsible for the multiplicity, plurality, diversity and duality of the beings and objects and their forms and shapes in the manifested worlds. The five aspects of shakti manifested by Siva are: chit-shakti or the power of consciousness, anada-shakti or the power of bliss consciousness, iccha-shakti, the power of desire or will, kriya-shakti jnana-shakti or the power of knowledge Siva unleashes these five powers in the beginning of creation and withdraws them. In between he employs these energies fo...